LIDC has now closed
Become an NGO member of LIDC
Since our inception in 2008, LIDC has deeply valued its strong and fruitful relationships with non-government organisations around the world. As such, we are delighted to announce that non-government organisations can join LIDC as members for a fee of £350…
LIDC – IOE Grantsmanship Seminar: A Round Up
On 16 May, LIDC and our core member institution, UCL Institute of Education (IOE), welcomed over 30 attendees to our Grantsmanship Seminar, which took place at the IOE. The Seminar aimed to highlight current grant opportunities, particularly in international development…
HDCA Conference 2019: Recruitment of student volunteers
The IOE is seeking committed, enthusiastic student volunteers to help ensure the smooth running of the 2019 Human Development and Capability Association (HDCA) conference, which will take place at UCL and SOAS. The conference will be attended by scholars in…
Interview with Dr. Ana Antunes-Martins
This week, we were delighted to catch up with Dr. Ana Antunes-Martins who has recently joined LIDC as Research Programme Manager. Ana discussed her new role, as well as her previous experience in programme management at the Medical Research Council…
The Centre of Excellence for Development Impact and Learning (CEDIL) is pleased to announce a call for proposals for research projects to contribute to the Centre’s strategic agenda in impact evaluation and evidence synthesis. This announcement follows on from the…
UKRI GCRF Action against Stunting Hub Inception Meeting: A Round Up
The UKRI GCRF Action against Stunting Hub is an £19.76 million investment by the UK government to alleviate child stunting, globally. It is funded by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) through the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF), which is a…
SDGeneration: A Citizen Science Movement
On 13th February, LIDC and the Institute for Global Prosperity, UCL (IGP) welcomed over 100 attendees to a large-scale, participative conference. Entitled “SDGeneration: A Citizen Science Movement”, the event explored a citizen-science approach to monitoring and evaluating the Sustainable Development…
Moments from the Hackathon 4 the UN SDGs
On Tuesday 12th February, LIDC and the Institute for Global Prosperity, UCL (IGP) welcomed over 30 attendees to ‘SDGeneration: Hackathon for the UN SDGs’. By way of background, LIDC and the IGP had identified four interrelated and mission-critical SDGs as…
LIDC and QMUL GCRF Seminar: A Round Up
On 30th January, LIDC and our associate member institution, Queen Mary University of London (QMUL), welcomed over 50 attendees to our GCRF Seminar, which took place in the Robin Brooke Centre at QMUL. The Seminar brought together academic researchers, professional services…
London International Development Centre and London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine launch international research hub to tackle child stunting
Up to one million children could benefit from a new £19.76m research hub led by the London International Development Centre (LIDC) and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) that aims to further our understanding of the causes…