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LIDC Global Development Photography Competition: Deadline Extended Until 12th February 2018!


The deadline for LIDC’s global development photography competition ‘Lens on Development’ has been extended! The theme this year is Global Development Challenges. Are you a budding photographer? took an amazing photo on your last holiday or research trip? Enter the LIDC photography competition…

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Can Development Aid Help Counter Extremism? Save the Date! Upcoming Debate!


Save the date! We have an exciting event coming up! On Tuesday 5th December 2017 the fifth debate of the LIDC & The Guardian Development Debate Series will take place at City, University of London. The debate will be looking at aid and extremism and discussing whether development…

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LIDC and The Guardian Debate on Volunteering: What did our Panellists and Audience Have to Say?


On Wednesday 11th October 2017 the fourth debate of the LIDC & The Guardian Development Debate Series took place discussing ‘Does Short-term Volunteering Abroad do More Harm than Good?’ The topic attracted much attention with the debate drawing a crowd of over 250 students, former…

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Undergraduate Students are now able to become free LIDC members!


All students and alumni with an interest in international development are now able to become free members of London International Development Centre! If you are an undergraduate student, postgraduate student or alumni of SOAS, Birkbeck, LSHTM, Royal Veterinary College, UCL Institute of Education,…

LIDC Annual Photography Contest 2017

LIDC Annual Global Development Photography Competition Now Open!


LIDC’s annual global development photography competition ‘Lens on Development’ is now open! The theme this year is Global Development Challenges. Are you a budding photographer? took an amazing photo on your last holiday or research trip? Enter the LIDC photography competition and…

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Welcome new student members from Kings College London and UCL's Development Planning Unit!


A big welcome to our new student members! All postgraduate students at Kings College London Department of International Development and UCL’s Development Planning Unit are now able to become LIDC members for the duration of their studies! They will be able…

LIDC GCRF proposal event

Upcoming LIDC Event on developing a winning GCRF proposal: What will the event cover and how is it different to other events?


On 15th September we are holding an event on ‘Developing a Winning GCRF Proposal’. The event is aimed at any academics at our member colleges interested  in applying for a Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) grant, but why should you attend?…

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Welcome new LIDC members! City, University of London and Queen Mary, University of London become member colleges


We are very excited to announce that Queen Mary, University of London and City, University of London are now member colleges of London International Development Centre (LIDC)!   Welcome new members! As of August 2017 all staff and postgraduate students at…

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LIDC student members, if you are about to finish your course sign up as an LIDC alumni member!


Are you an LIDC student member? If you enjoy LIDC’s events, activities and newsletters make sure that once your course ends you sign up as an alumni member of LIDC! When you signed up as an LIDC student member you would…

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Upcoming Debate on Short Term Volunteering Abroad, Does it do More Harm Than Good? Save the date!


Save the date! We have an exciting event coming up! On Wednesday 11th October 2017 the fourth debate of the LIDC & The Guardian upcoming Development Debate Series will take place at LSHTM. The debate will be looking at short term international volunteering…

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