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Commissioning pre-announcement
December 13, 2018
CEDIL is pleased to announce forthcoming opportunities to apply for funding to contribute to the strategic research agenda of the Centre of Excellence for Development Impact and Learning (CEDIL).
This pre-announcement should enable prospective researchers and evaluation specialists to develop project ideas and assemble teams in preparation for two calls – one for large projects (up to £1 million) and one for small projects (under £300,000) – which will be issued in early February 2019.
Commissioning themes and criteria
CEDIL will fund research projects and innovative impact evaluations which address three themes:
- Evaluating complex interventions
- Enhancing the transferability of evaluation through middle range theory
- Enhancing the use and usefulness of evaluation findings
To maximise the impact of its funded research CEDIL will prioritise applications from researchers and evaluation practitioners in the Global South, and those which can demonstrate strong relevance to the programmes and policies of CEDIL’s funder, the Department for International Development (DFID). CEDIL is committed to supporting gender equity and diversity.
For more detailed information on the funding opportunities, please see the full pre-announcement note here.
We expect to issue a call for expressions of interests (for large projects) and a call for full proposals (for small projects) in early February 2019.
We will follow this with a series of online and in-person events in which we will explain more about CEDIL’s research agenda and the calls for proposals. Furthermore we will respond to queries, and give applicants an opportunity to meet and form networks.
Keep informed
If you would like to be notified of the release of the calls, as well as other CEDIL related news and updates, please sign up to our mailing list at the bottom of the CEDIL website’s homepage:
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What is CEDIL?
CEDIL – Centre of Excellence for Development Impact and Learning – is the DFID-funded collaboration between the Campbell Collaboration, the Centre for the Evaluation of Development Policy (EDePo), the Evidence for Policy and Practice Information and Co-ordinating Centre (EPPI-Centre), International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie), the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and Oxford Policy Management (OPM). CEDIL has received £15 million of funding from the UK Department for International Development (DFID).