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LIDC Project CEDIL Seeks a Deputy Director
May 17, 2017
LIDC project, the Centre of Excellence for Development Impact and Learning (CEDIL) is looking for a Deputy Director!
The Deputy Director will play a key role in shaping the strategic vision of CEDIL, help shape the direction of CEDIL’s cutting edge research agenda, take part in innovative methods research, and be the day-to-day manager of the CEDIL Secretariat and activities undertaken by members of CEDIL’s intellectual leadership team.
The successful applicant will have a doctoral degree in a relevant discipline and a strong track record of rigorous, policy-relevant research. The postholder will also have experience in leading research teams and experience in communication with policy makers and practitioners. The ability to lead and manage a research team is also essential as well as experience in attracting competitive research grants.
See full details and instructions on how to apply here.