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Moments from our Development Debate ‘Has #MeToo Really Taken Off in International Development?’
On 11th December, 100+ staff, students and alumni of LIDC member institutions, as well as civil society representatives joined us in John Snow Lecture Theatre, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, to explore whether #MeToo has taken off in…
Five Fantastic Ways You Can Support the 16 Days of Activism Campaign
A staggering 1 in 3 women globally will be victim to physical or sexual based violence in their lifetime. Violence against women cuts across social class, country and ethnicity. It is present in all societies, yet it is also preventable.…
Why migration bans and restrictions on recruitment of workers to the Gulf States is a bad idea
In 2017, the government of Ghana banned the recruitment of workers to the Gulf region. The ban was introduced due to widespread reports of abuse and exploitation of Ghanaian migrant workers in the region. The ban affects not only recruitment…
From Voices to Choices: Will people have more influence over aid?
Last week, we published our latest report – From Voices to Choices – which looks at: why it’s important for crisis-affected people to have influence over aid, what’s going on in the humanitarian sector that is preventing this, and how…
Why the Global Challenges Research Fund encourages development experts to think in creative new ways
A bit of background Poverty eradication has long been an area that has eluded the savviest of international development economists and experts. Despite massive increases in global wealth, millions of people around the world continue to live in absolute poverty.…
We know climate change will impact food supplies: but what are the implications for those who produce it?
Child stunting and climate change: it’s about more than food Despite decades of attention and action, and notwithstanding significant progress in some places, almost a quarter of children aged under 5 (155 million) are ‘stunted’ (low height for their age).…
Alumni Spotlight: Farai Mubaiwa
This month’s Alumni Spotlight focuses on Farai Mubaiwa who graduated from King’s College London’s Department of International Development with an MSc in International Development. Farai co-founded Africa Matters, a youth-led organisation committed to empowering young Africans to change the narrative through…
Anyone Can Be A Superhero: Creating a Comic book on Antimicrobial Resistance with Students in India
A superhero comic book which educates students about antimicrobial resistance (AMR)? Researchers Sara Dada and Kiron Jones reflect on their project and the challenges of field research in India. The longer we wandered around the main road between the…
What Does It Mean to Be a Humanitarian? Reflections from my Work in Greek Refugee Camps
What does it mean to be a humanitarian? King’s College London Department of International Development alumnus, Zihan Jin, reflects on his work in Greek refugee camps and how it inspired him to start his own humanitarian organisation. The backdrop The…
Five Things You May Have Missed in International Development This Month
Had a busy month and feel like you lost touch on what’s happening in international development? Not to worry, we’ve got you covered. The Venezuelan Refugee Crisis – More than 2.3 million people have fled the country since 2014 This…